The first 2 weeks are over and everyone is settled back into the school routine again. Our school has grown significantly this year with the double intake of Naíonáin Bheaga. There has been huge growth in the school since we opened with our 24 pupils in 2008. Our enrolment stands at 190 children for the coming school year and we are delighted to welcome all the new families into our community.

The children from Naíonáin Bheaga to Rang a 5 are well settled into the new routine as have our new teachers – Múinteoir Eoin, Múinteoir Darragh and Múinteoir Fíona. We would like to welcome them and wish them well in the school. We also have to teachers working with us but shared with other schools. We would like to welcome Múinteoir Fiona N and Múinteoir Kerry.
Over the coming weeks and months we will endeavour to update our website in order that you can keep in touch with what is going on in the school and to provide ideas on how you as parents can support you child’s education and your child’s school.
Below are the photos of our new Naíonáin Bheaga: