Tuairisc Cinn Bliana


Lean an nasc thíos chun breis eolais a fháil ar an Scór STEN.

Scór Sten a thuiscint: Eolas do thuismitheoirí



Seo thíos liosta foclóra chun cuidiú libh agus na tuairicsí cinn bliana á léamh agaibh.


a aithint – to recognise

Ádh mór – good luck

ag baint úsáid as – using

Ag dul ó neart go neart – going from strength to strength

ag dul i bhfeabhas – improving

ag obair go dian dícheallach – working diligently

aird – attention

aisteoir – actor

As láthair – absent

Béasach – well mannered

Bhain mé taitneamh as – I enjoyed

Bhainfeadh sé/sí tairbhe as – he/she would benefit from it

Botún – mistake : botúin – mistakes

bródúil – proud

Brú – pressure

cabhair – help

cabhróidh sé leis/léi – it will help him/her

caighdeán – standard : ard chaighdeán – high standard

Ceannúil – affectionate

Cineálta – kind

cleachtadh – practice

cliste – clever

coincheapa sa mata – concepts in mathematics

coinsiasach -conscientious

comhoibritheach – co-operative

comhrá – conversation

corraithe – agitated

cruthaitheach – creative

Cumarsáid – communication

Cumas – ability

De ghnáth – usually

Dea-nósanna – good habits

D’éirigh leis/léi – he/she succeeded

deis – opportunity : deiseanna – opportunities

díograiseach – diligent

Droch-nósanna – bad habits

dul chun cinn – progress

éagsúil/éagsúla – different

Eascraíonn sé/sí faoi ghríosadh, faoi mholadh, faoi chabhair – He/She responds well to

encouragement, to praise, to support

easpa airde – lack of attention

Éireoidh leis/léi – he/she will succeed

Éist – listen; éisteacht – listening

feabhas – improvement : ag feabhsú – improving

Féinmhuinín – self confidence

féith-ghrinn – sense of huimour

foclóír – vocabulary

foirm – form

foirmliú – formation

fonaicí – phonics

forbairt – development

friotal – expression

fuinniúil – energetic

Gealgháireach – pleasant/cheerful

gean – affection

glacann sé/sí páirt – participates

Go n-éirí leat – best of luck

greim pheann luaidhe – pencil grip

I rith an tsamhraidh – during the summer

iarracht – effort : iarrachtaí – efforts

iompar – behaviour

le sonrú – noticeable

leanacht le – continue with

léitheoir – reader; léitheoireacht – reading

litreacha na haibítire – letters of the alphabet

litriú – spelling

í/é a mhealladh – to encourage him/her

mholfainn dó/di – I would advise her/him

mí-shlachtmhar – untidy

muinín – confidence

neamhaireach – inattentive

Neamhfhoirmiúil – informal

Neamhspleách – independent

Peannaireacht – handwriting

Rannpháirtíocht – participation

Réiteach faidhbe – problem-solving

Réitíonn sé/sí go maith lena c(h)omhpháirtithe – He/she relates well to his/her classmates

rialta – regular

scileanna mínluáileacha – fine motor skills

Scileanna sóisialta – social skills

scríbhneoireacht – writing

Scrúdú – exam : Scrúdaithe – exams

Shocraigh sé/sí isteach – He/she settled in

spéis – interest

Suimiúil – interesting

táblaí – tables

Taithí – experience/practice

taitneamhach – enjoyable

teorainn – boundaries/limits

Tinreamh – attendance

treoracha – directions

tuairim – opinion

Tuiscint – understanding

uimhir – number; uimhreacha – numbers